

Decide what to be, and go be it!

    The title of this article comes from one of my favorite songs by the Avett Brothers called, “A Head Full of Doubt, a Road Full of Promise.”  The song is about being honest with yourself -- a practice that can lead to a promising future.  One of the most difficult things in life is figuring out who you are.  Many books have been written, many lectures given, many classes taught, and much counsel given on finding your identity.  Truly, it is a difficult task in this life, with all the turmoil and constant change to realize where you fit in and what your purpose is.  However, as disciples of Christ, we should have the least trouble deciding who we are going to be in life and who we will follow because we have God’s word.  The real root of the problem is that people have lost respect for God’s word.  It should come as no surprise that they have lost sight of their own way.  In a world that is constantly tugging on us in every direction but heavenward, we must decide exactly what it is we want to be, and then go be it!  Here are some suggestions that may help us.

    Renew a right relationship with God.  Inherent in this suggestion is the difficulty brought on by today’s society.  The world today would have you believe that any positive thoughts about God or Jesus makes us right before Him.  “Just believe!” is the cry of so many religious people in the world today.  Does belief set us right with our Eternal Father?  James 2:19 says, “You believe that God is one; you do well. Even the demons believe—and shudder!”  Obviously belief as these demons demonstrate is not enough to bring salvation -- yet it is exactly how most of the world “believes” in God today!  It is usually nothing more than an acknowledgement that He exists.  We must decide to believe in Him, and act on that belief.  Obey His commands, adhere to His statutes, love and adore Him as He prescribed!

    Shut out worldly influences.  Jude wrote ardently that there would be people who would creep in to churches and teach error.  Brethren, that message was not just for the first century church.  That can happen and is happening even today!  He charges us to “contend for the faith” (Jude 3), implying that we must fight for truth and reject all erroneous teaching.  Not only must we keep worldliness out of the church, but we must keep it out of our personal lives.  It is easier for us to by conformed to the world rather than set apart from it (Romans 12:2).  It has been said, “Ships belong in the sea, but when the sea gets in the ship, there is trouble.”  Many passages, such as 1 Corinthians 15:33 and Proverbs 13:20, warn us of how strongly our close friends influence us.  Be determined to surround yourself with godly influences.

    Walk the walk.  Today’s religious world is filled to the brim with those who profess godliness but are nothing more than words.  They talk a good talk and claim to love the Lord, but in reality they are clouds without water, blown about by whatever wind comes along (Jude 12).  God has provided us with what we need to walk His walk.  He has given us His word, which helps us grow “so that we may no longer be children, tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by human cunning, by craftiness in deceitful schemes” (Ephesians 4:14).  The world is full of “Christians” who wear that name but do not walk the walk of a true disciple of Christ.  It is also full of those who wear the name of Christ on Sunday, but take it off the rest of the week.  If you decide to be a Christian, go be one -- all the time!  One of the most frustrating and discouraging things is to see those who talk the talk, but do not walk in the paths of God.

    If your relationship with the Lord is suffering, if you have allowed worldly influences to weaken you, or if you have not been walking “in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called” (Eph. 4:1), make the decision to change.  Have you decided what you want to be?  Remember the words of Joshua: “Choose this day whom you will serve... as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” (Joshua 24:15).  Be like Joshua and be completely, totally determined and devoted to serving the Lord.  Once you have decided to be a disciple of Christ, go be one with everything you’ve got!